Saturday, February 7, 2015

How to Double Your Business In Six Months

                How to Double You Business In Six Months  or less -- The Big Picture!
   Hello Friends,
OK, we've already established that in order to double your business (or increase it at all) you've got to attract lots of customers and get a lot more business from each of them. Let's further break that down to four basic steps. Attract a constant stream of new customers...Get your customers to buy from you more often...  Get them to spend more money each time they buy...And design a system to implement and track your results! 

Friday, February 6, 2015

What's A Customer Worth To Your Business.

Hello Dear Friends,

         Obviously, if you want to double your business in six months or less, you've got to sell a whole bunch of whatever it is you sell -- to a whole bunch of customers. If you're like most of the entrepreneurs we work with,you're already attracting a stream of new customers.  It may  not be a flood or even a river, but it's a start. Well, one of the fastest ways to increase your business is to maximize your profits from these existing customers. You'll be absolutely astonished when you see how much easy cash you're letting slip through your fingers right now (but don't kick yourself too hard, we're about to fix that).