Saturday, February 7, 2015

How to Double Your Business In Six Months

                How to Double You Business In Six Months  or less -- The Big Picture!
   Hello Friends,
OK, we've already established that in order to double your business (or increase it at all) you've got to attract lots of customers and get a lot more business from each of them. Let's further break that down to four basic steps. Attract a constant stream of new customers...Get your customers to buy from you more often...  Get them to spend more money each time they buy...And design a system to implement and track your results! 

          The order in which you implement these steps is determined
          by  your own business situation. 
          For example if you have a huge data base of customers who
          haven't bought from you lately, you're sitting on a gold
          If that's the case, why not mine the gold first? 
          Write to your customers and make them an irresistible offer. 
          You'll be amazed at how well they'll respond.  It'll be like
          fishing in a pond that's never been fished before, and the
          "fish" will practically jump out of the water and into your
          But, if you're already getting most of your customers to buy
          from you on a regular and frequent basis, you may want to
          start by developing a larger stream of new customers. 
          Each of these steps is crucial to the overall plan, but you
          might as well start with the one which will get you the
          fastest gain.  That way, you'll prove to yourself that this
          marketing stuff really works, and you'll generate some quick
          cash to pay for some more aggressive marketing. 
          We'll give you a brief overview of each step now, and then
          in succeeding sections, we'll look at each of them in more
          Get your existing customers to buy from you more often... 

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